Berner Schlaf-Wach-Epilepsie Tage 2021
November 10, 2021 - November 12, 2021
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear colleagues
The Universitätsklinik für Neurologieare is pleased to announce that after shortening the symposium last year, is are now able to hold our traditional symposium during three days. The symposium of the interfaculty research cooperation (IFK) will start the three-day training event on Wednesday. On Thursday morning, the workshop sleep in competitive sports will take place for the first time and lead into the 25th traditional Bern Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy Symposium in the afternoon. And for the 6th time, the Center for Experimental Neurology (ZEN) will round out the program on Friday. Also this year, the 25th Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy Days bring together top-class experts from the fields of medicine and research from Switzerland and abroad.
We look forward to your participation.
Info and registration: http://www.neurologie.insel.ch/de/unser-angebot/schlaf-wach-epilepsie-zentrum-swez/schlaf-wach-epilepsie-tage-2021/