ESF has established a network for young sleep physicians and researchers, called “ESF Young Section” (YS) who are willing to:

  • Present their work
  • Participate in educational activities
  • Exchange ideas with peers and seniors
  • Implement new approaches to the ESF Community


The YS is committed to increasing the networking among young health professionals interested in the field of sleep medicine, by undertaking the following activities:

  • Increase the number of students involved in the field of sleep globally.
  • Boost awareness in somnology among young health professionals.
  • Provide ESF with a pool of potential new participants to the Master in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sleep Medicine, to further activities and new members.

The YS furthermore wishes to increase the cooperation with young investigators and professional groups within other medical professional associations by improving:

  • the knowledge internally and externally,
  • the relationship with other groups and associations.


The YS activities are introduced gradually and in accordance with the vision and development plan established by the ESF Board.

A Bulletin that includes articles of interest in the field, announcements of ESF events, and other information on the Foundation is distributed electronically every two months. The YS Board and Members cooperate to define the contents and provide the articles.

Meet-the-expert webinars
The YS may propose topics and speakers for meet-the-expert webinars to the ESF Board. The Members of the YS may attend the program free of charge whilst a yearly subscription is available for further participants.

Mentorship is proposed in two formats:

  • Personal tutoring, where a mentor is supporting the participant individually and the specific needs are defined:
    In research: provides advice in career development, on a project, provides paper evaluation and guidance.
    In a clinical field (forum): provides advice in career development, on practical questions, in the diagnosis and treatment of clinical cases.
    In the longer term, fellowships and visits might be established.
  • Group mentorship is foreseen during events and in the field of publications:
    In research: single events with workshops may be organized (how to write a paper, design a study, fundraise for a project).
    In the clinical field: meet-the-expert sessions, mentee clinical case discussions may be organized.
    Publication guidance: subscriptions are assigned to the young members who performed a study, and guidance is provided from the definition of the results through the writing phase, the publication, and the review process.

Events and awareness activities for the general public
In the case that the Foundation organizes events for the general public, the YS Board is available to provide suggestions, and organizational support and boost promotional campaigns through their contacts.

The ESF promotional booth
During several yearly events, ESF organizes a booth to promote its initiatives to the participants. The YS Board and Members may be available to assist the team in manning the booth.

ESF event’s Scientific Committee
On invitation by the Scientific Committee of events, the YS Board can provide suggestions for topics and speakers.

Who can apply?

  • Early-career researchers and clinicians (students up to Master)
  • Mid-career researchers and clinicians (residents, junior faculty members) who have completed their doctoral degree (or other qualifying research degrees) up to 10 years after degree completion (including Master program students)


YS Board

The ESF has nominated 3-5 young members to lead the initiative, called the Young Section Board (YS Board).

The YS Board members are:

  • Early-career researchers and clinicians (students up to Master).
  • Mid-career researchers and clinicians (residents, junior faculty members) who have completed their doctoral degree (or other qualifying research degrees) up to 10 years after degree completion (including Master program students).
  • Graduated Sleep MAS students.

The YS Board will

  • Promote the YS in their networks and recruit suitable members. This will be done through:
    • Their personal contacts.
    • Meeting peers at events.
    • ESF-affiliated universities (distribution of the Bulletin with the invitation to join).
    • Other health professional associations and their young sections (EAN, ESRS, etc). National / international sleep societies.
  • Manage the Bulletin by proposing the annual editorial plan, providing articles (at least 2 articles per year), and by coordinating input by the YS Members.
  • Organize a number of meet-the-expert webinars.
  • Coordinate the mentorship program.
  • Support networking with social media and professional relationships.
  • Being available to join and provide suggestions to the event’s Scientific Committee.
  • Advocate and be available to help at the ESF booth and events.

The YS Board will be granted the following benefits:

  • They will be formally recognized as members of the ESF YS in ESF media channels.
  • A reduction of fees will apply to ESF’s courses and schools
  • Each year, they’ll be invited to choose one activity and to support its organization by being part of the Scientific Committee.
  • Support will be provided to cover arrangements (registration, travel, and accommodation) to attend the meeting in which they cooperate or for which they are present to manage the ESF booth.
  • A token of appreciation will be offered annually.

YS Board duration of term:

YS Board members will remain in charge for a period of 3 years and may be re-elected by the ESF Board. If for any reason, the YS Board member wishes to resign, a notice of 3 months will be provided.

YS members

The YS Members are elected by the YS Board and are granted the following benefits:

  • Formal recognition as members of the ESF YS in its media channels
  • Fee reduced or waived
  • Support will be provided to cover arrangements (registration, travel, and accommodation) to attend the meeting for which they are present to manage the ESF booth
  • Access a scholarship to attend the Sleep Medicine Master (by competitive application)

Their responsibilities are:

  • Attend the meet-the-expert webinars
  • Contribute with articles to the Bulletin as required by the ESF Board
  • Attend mentorship
  • Support networking with social media and professional relationships
  • Advocate and be available to help at the ESF booth and events

YS Members duration of terms:

YS Members will remain in charge for a period of 3 years and may be re-elected by the YS Board. If for any reason, the YS member wishes to resign, a notice of 3 months will be provided.


Oriella Gnarra
Oriella GnarraETH Zürich, Inselspital Bern
Lyudmila Korostovtseva
Lyudmila KorostovtsevaSleep Group, Department for Hypertension, Almazov National Medical Research Centre
Livia Fregolente
Livia FregolenteSleep-Wake-Epilepsy Center, Department of neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital
Millene Camilo
Millene CamiloRibeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo